Medical Care

Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

人工血液、動物実験に成功 1年以上の常温保存も可能

人工血液、動物実験に成功 1年以上の常温保存も可能:朝日新聞デジタル …

Pokémon characters have their own pea-sized region in brain, study finds

Pokémon characters have their own pea-sized region in brain, study finds …

Good mews: A vaccine for your cat could stop humans having an allergic reaction to them

Vaccine for cats could stop humans having allergic reaction to them  via @MailOnline


人類に「しっぽ」を生やして重心をサポートするウェアラブルデバイスが開発される | ナゾロジー …

Robotic contact lens that allows users to zoom in by blinking eyes revealed by scientists

Robotic contact lens allows users to zoom in by blinking eyes …

Elon Musk reveals brain-hacking plans

BBC News – Elon Musk reveals brain-hacking plans …


「血液1滴で13種がん検出」、実用化が目前に …


ゲノム編集CRISPRに新たな進歩!トランスポゾンを用いた遺伝子導入 … @より

For the First Time, Researchers Eliminated HIV From the Genomes of Living Animals

For the first time, researchers eliminate HIV from the genomes of living animals …