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UK car rental service delivers your car via remote control

Vehicles hired through Fetch are piloted to the customer by an operator at a remote location, though customers will still have to manually drive them for the duration of their rentals …

New Honda EM1 e: electric scooter unveiled

Honda has unveiled the EM1 e: e-scooter in Europe. Announced last September, the new model will be the first two-wheeled EV from the brand to launch on the continent …

Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” sees pedestrian, chooses not to slow down

Tesla released a new version of its controversial “Full Self-Driving Beta” software last month. Among the updates in version 11.4 are new algorithms determining the car’s behavior around pedestrians …


中国CATL(寧徳時代新能源科技)は2023年4月16日23時15分(現地時間)、同社のナトリウムイオン2次電池(NIB)が、中国の自動車メーカーChery Automobile(奇瑞汽車)の電気自動車(EV)に採用されたとツイッターで公表した …


国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 情報・人間工学領域 デジタルアーキテクチャ研究センター加藤晋首席研究員は、福井県吉田郡永平寺町で実証実験を実施している遠隔型自動運転システムによる無人自動運転移動サービスの車両を高度化し …

KPIT Technologies to support Honda for its software-defined mobility transformation

With Honda’s next-generation software architecture and control-safety technology and KPIT’s deep domain & software expertise in the areas of Autonomous Driving, Vehicle Electrification …

Mitsubishi Motors to sell only EVs, hybrids by mid-2030s

Mitsubishi Motors Corp (7211.T) plans for hybrid and battery electric vehicles to account for all new car sales by the middle of the next decade, beefing up its electrification strategy for staying competitive in key markets.

Researchers Propose a Fourth Light on Traffic Signals – For Self-Driving Cars

At a traffic light, red means stop and green means go. But transportation engineers at North Carolina State University are now proposing a “white light,” which would enable autonomous vehicles to help control traffic flow – and let human drivers know what’s going on. In computational simulations, the new approach significantly improves travel time through intersections and reduces fuel consumption.

Tesla owner says he had to cancel Christmas plans because car would not charge in freezing weather

Tesla owner says he had to cancel Christmas plans because car would not charge in freezing weather #FoxBusiness(Feed generated with Fet…