Emotional, Burning, Unlimited Tuned Laboratory

Next Home = Condominium with the hospitals

For the future life in Japan & China, means the area where so many old people life keep to live, we need the enviroment of daily life like the picture. We need the hospitals, doctors when the old people have the problem of their health.

鼓膜の危機? 耳かきボイスと連動して自動的に耳かきするヤバいマシーンがニコ動で話題


これは耳かき動画の音声をリアルタイムで解析し、耳かき音が鳴ると耳かきをしてくれるというハイテクマシーン。耳かきボイスを愛するユーザーにとってはたまらない装置、のはずなのだが …


内視鏡の画像診断支援AIを研究開発する株式会社AIメディカルサービス(本社:東京都豊島区、代表取締役CEO :多田智裕、以下AIM)は、2023年1月1日に、シンガポール国立大学保健機構(NUHS)のヘルスケア・イノベーション・センター(Center for Innovation in Healthcare: CIH)内に、シンガポールオフィスを移転 …

Approaching the terahertz regime

A class of nonvolatile memory devices, called MRAM, based on quantum magnetic materials, can offer a thousandfold performance beyond current state-of-the-art memory devices. The materials known as antiferromagnets were previously demonstrated to store stable …

大阪の基幹病院を襲ったサイバー攻撃の深刻度 – 病院の電子化進むがセキュリティ費用が重荷に



同病院は10月31日にサイバー攻撃を受け、電子カルテや薬の処方、それに会計といった病院経営に欠かせない基幹システムがダウン …

Withings’ U-Scan lets you do urinalysis at home on a daily basis

Withings announced U-Scan, a breakthrough product that lets you do urinalysis at home. This means you don’t have to go to the doctor or a lab to pee in a cup for medical tests.

One of the company’s most technologically advanced devices to date, U-Scan is a …

Apple brings AI narration to audiobooks

Apple Inc. has made audiobooks narrated by a text-to-speech artificial intelligence algorithm available through Apple Books.

The digital narration feature, as it’s called, is designed to make audiobooks more accessible …

Acer has a new bike desk for overachievers

Acer has a new bike desk for overachievers @Vergeより(Feed generated with FetchRSS)

日本総研が発信。医療、社会保障に開かれた議論を 注目が集まるプライマリ・ケアの可能性

日本総研が発信。医療、社会保障に開かれた議論を 注目が集まるプライマリ・ケアの可能性 generated with FetchRSS)