If oportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

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新型コロナの変異パターンは3つ「広東、日米豪」「武漢」「欧州」 &#x…

Rebranded Ethernet Technology Consortium Unveils 800 Gigabit Ethernet

Rebranded Ethernet Technology Consortium Unveils 800 Gigabit Ethernet https://www.anandtech.com/show/15710/rebranded-ethernet-technology-consortium-unveils-800-gigabit-ethernet …

スマホの次の時代は“音声”だ 声のブログ「ボイシー」が目指す未来

RT @wwd_jp スマホの次の時代は“音声”だ 声のブログ「ボイシー」が目指す未来 https://www.wwdjapan.com/articles/1068975

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ユーザー認証は「お尻の穴」──尿や便で健康状態をチェックするスマートトイレ 米研究

ユーザー認証は「お尻の穴」──尿や便で健康状態をチェックするスマートトイレ 米研究(要約)https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2004/08/news091.html#utm_term=share_sp …

NASA rebrands UAM Grand Challenge to embrace ‘advanced air mobility’

. @NASAaero’s Urban Air Mobility Grand Challenge has been rebranded as the Advanced Air Mobility National Campaign, which officials said is “more emblematic of what we’re trying to accomplish.” Details: https://evtol.com/news/nasa-advanced-air-mobilit…


豊田社長「NTTとの提携は必然」 両社記者会見: 日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO…

facing the culture of ART

Global DIGICULT | Digital Art, Design and Culture | Since 2005Since 2005 Digicult is a platform that criticall…

As Australia is gripped by bog roll shortage, tabloid says: Here, fill your dunny with us

As Australia is gripped by bog roll shortage, tabloid says: Here, fill your dunny with us https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/03/04/bog_roll_pullout/ … @theregisterより