If oportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

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g-io-error-quark 39 error when stopping dbus-service

g-io-error-quark 39 error when stopping dbus-serviceWhen I restart a particular computer there is an error message,

# init 6
Error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Could not connect: Connection refused (g-io-error-quark, 39)
I fo…

Is McDonald’s MacCoin a cryptocurrency? Restaurant chain to launch the ‘currency’ soon

Is McDonald’s MacCoin a cryptocurrency? Restaurant chain to launch the ‘currency’ soonThe popular restaurant chain, McDonald’s unveiled MacCoin on Sunday, shocking the business world. While a lot of media outlets claimed it to be a cryptocurrency but …

Researchers discover new geometric shape dubbed “scutoid”

Researchers discover new geometric shape dubbed “scutoid”A group of researchers has discovered a previously undescribed shape they have called a “scutoid” through modeling and experiments. This shape is specifically adopted by packed epitheli…

Tsundoku: The art of buying books and never reading them

Tsundoku: The art of buying books and never reading them – BBC News



データサイエンティスト不足に悩んだ「LIFULL」 突破のカギは、機械学習の自動化

データサイエンティスト不足に悩んだ「LIFULL」 突破のカギは、機械学習の自動化 (1/4)データは増え続けているのに、それを分析する人手が足りない——。そんな企業は少なくないだろう。住宅情報サイトを運営するLIFULLも、データ分析チームに依頼が殺到し、困っていた。彼らはどのようにしてこの苦境を乗り越えたのだろうか。…

Google Releases Data Blending in Google Data Studio

Google Releases Data Blending in Google Data Studio#measure #analytics"Data Studio is Google’s very powerful data visualisation tool which is great for bringing together data from multiple sources and presenting it in a highly visual and accessibl…

yum update on the unsupported CentOS5

CentOS5がメンテナンス終了で、参照していた yumリポジトリが使えなくなっていますが、 もう yum update できないですか。 http://mirror.centos.org/centos/ などを見ると、…