If oportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

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Elon Musk helped legitimize cryptocurrencies in the eyes of Wall Street investors. Now, his tweets are scaring them off

Elon Musk helped legitimize cryptocurrencies in the eyes of Wall Street investors. Now, his tweets are scaring them off https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-17/elon-musk-is-now-blowing-up-the-wall-street-case-for-bitcoin @technologyより


Why Nuro has quickly become one of the most well-funded autonomous-vehicle startups, raising $1.5 billion to compete in a crowded space already filled with heavy players

自動運転宅配「ニューロ」が収益化を実現する最有力候補と言える理由。トヨタ子会社ファンドも太鼓判|BUSINESS INSIDER https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-234601 via @BIJapan

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日本初、「工場を持たない」EVメーカー誕生の衝撃 – 佐川急便が配送用軽バンを7200台総取っ替えへ

日本初、「工場を持たない」EVメーカー誕生の衝撃 佐川急便が配送用軽バンを7200台総取っ替えへ | 電動化 – 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/428352 #東洋経済オンライン @Toyokeizaiより

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‘Do not fill plastic bags with gasoline’: US Consumer Product Safety Commission weighs in on gas shortage in Southeast

‘Do not fill plastic bags with gasoline’: US Consumer Product Safety Commission weighs in on gas shortage in Southeast https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2021/05/12/consumer-agency-warns-people-not-fill-plastic-bags-gas/5056515001/ @usatodayより




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AWS releases tool to open source that turns on-prem software into SaaS

AWS releases tool to open source that turns on-prem software into SaaS https://tcrn.ch/3ffE7cC @techcrunchより

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IBM Research creates 2nm test chip, eyes performance, power boost

IBM Research creates 2nm test chip, eyes performance, power boost https://zd.net/33kKypk @ZDNet & @ldignanより

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無料で使えるAI音声合成サービス「CoeFont STUDIO」

無料で使えるAI音声合成サービス「CoeFont STUDIO」商用利用も可 https://ledge.ai/yellston-coefont-studio/ @ledgeaiより

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Clubhouse downloads are falling off a cliff: The app was downloaded only about 900,000 times in April, down from February’s peak…

Clubhouse downloads are falling off a cliff: The app was downloaded only about 900,000 times in April, down from February’s peak of 9.6 million https://www.businessinsider.com/clubhouse-downloads-900000-in-april-2021-5?utmSource=twitter&utmContent=refe…