If oportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

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PHP 8.0.0 Released!

PHP 8.0.0 Released!

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大河原克行のNewsInsight(76) 現実となるChromebookの爆発的普及、国内パソコン勢力図を塗り替える可能性 | マイナビニュース https://news.mynavi.jp/article/newsinsight-76/

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AWS outage impacts thousands of online services

AWS outage impacts thousands of online services https://zd.net/3o18I0t @ZDNet & @campuscodiより

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Linus Torvalds worried Linux kernel might get messy around Christmas

Linus Torvalds worried Linux kernel might get messy around Christmas • The Register https://www.theregister.com/2020/11/23/linux_5_10_rc_5/

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Happy 25th Birthday, GIMP — you make Linux a viable Windows 10 alternative

Happy 25th Birthday, GIMP — you make Linux a viable Windows 10 alternative – https://betanews.com/2020/11/22/happy-25th-birthday-gimp-you-make-linux-a-viable-windows-10-alternative/

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RocketLab’s “Return to Sender” launch does exactly what was promised

RocketLab’s “Return to Sender” launch does exactly what was promised https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/11/rocketlabs-return-to-sender-launch-does-exactly-what-was-promised/

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Announcing k0s, the Smallest, Simplest Kubernetes Distribution

RT @k0sproject: ? Introducing k0s: Deploy and run #Kubernetes at any scale on any infrastructure. All batteries included. https://bit.ly/36z8QwS #OpenSource

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パナソニックの誤算 脱家電の果て、やはり「本業」に活路

パナソニックの誤算 脱家電の果て、やはり「本業」に活路 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2011/20/news128.html#utm_term=share_sp

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Bud Light made a video game console that also cools two beers

Bud Light made a video game console that also cools two beers https://www.theverge.com/2020/11/17/21571448/bud-light-bl6-console-tekken-soulcalibur?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=entry&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter @Vergeより

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